I completed the Boulder Backroads Half-Marathon today and it was quite an experience. The Pied Pipers at right started the whole thing off. The race took a peaceful route over dirt roads in the Boulder countryside featuring great views of the Flatiron mountains. Perhaps it was because the starting line was at an altitude of 5200 feet or that the first half of the race was a steady uphill climb of about 300 vertical feet, but this turned out to be my worst half-marathon showing to date. I came in with a time of just under 2:07; a 9:38/mile average. Considering the fact that I felt like quitting by the 3rd mile, I am quite pleased with my finish time.
There was also a full marathon at the same time, which I decided not to run. However, I did get to see Dean Karnazes as he finished running it. He's the guy running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days and this was his 8th.
On the drive back from Boulder, I couldn't help thinking of Forrest Gump and his mountain lake running scene. After I got home, I was laying on the floor and digging into my taco bell family meal deal to replenish all my lost calories, and providence must have been smiling on me as I grabbed the remote because Forrest Gump himself came on the tv. I was just in time to see Bubba get blowed up, Forrest's mamma get cancer, Jenny ditch Forrest yet again, and, finally, Forrest just felt like running. It was a great end to the day.
Soundtrack for the day: Jackson Browne - Running on Empty
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