Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Manifest Destiny

I have been talking about it for some time but now it is official. I have accepted a new job and Mindy and I will soon be moving to one of our country's bay areas; the San Francisco Bay area. Specifically, San Jose and Silicon Valley. With this move I will finally complete my march westward to the Pacific Ocean.

For those of you who might be worried, fret not, I will still be working with lasers and you can continue to make jokes related to laser sharks and popping pop corn from space. The big difference here is that now I can explain what the lasers I am making do; cutting, welding, and etching. I am also giving up my life as an international man of mystery and laser repair to remain firmly grounded and close to home. It was about time, too; I only had 3 stamps left to fill my passport.

While I am sorry to be leaving the great state of Colorado and the wonderful people in it, it was time for a change and this opportunity was just too good to pass up. If I have to leave Denver, the Sunshine State, perhaps going to the actual Sunshine State is the next best thing. Right now, I cannot imagine enjoying any place more than I do Colorado, but even my imagination is limited and I just will not know until I try it. So I'm trading in my house for another apartment, mountains for ocean, blizzards for earthquakes, the Avalanche for the Sharks, and Governor Bill Ritter Jr. for the Schwarzenegger.

The new job starts August 16th and I'll be in Colorado making my arrangements until then. (I should note that I moved to Denver on my 26th birthday and I am moving to California a full 2 days after my 30th, do birthdays make me restless?). I hope to see all you locals that I can before then and, afterwards, if you happen to be on the west coast, stop on by.

I'll see you by the Bay!

p.s. There is a minuscule chance that I may have taken this job solely because the office window has a view of an In-N-Out Burger across the street. Don't have to worry about packing my lunch for the next few years :)

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