I quite frequently contemplate writing a post with this title, but this time I am actually quite sure that it is true.
I woke up this morning at the usual time and my clock radio told me that it had just snowed about 6" and was still going. My typical commute is about 40 minutes, but if even a little snow falls, it can turn into upwards of 2 hours. So armed with this knowledge, I decided to come into work late. I loitered around the house, ate some lunch, shoveled my driveway, and took care of all of the stuff I had planned on doing this evening after I got home. I finally ended up leaving my house at around 11am. The roads were wet and people were still driving like idiots, but there were few enough of them on the roads that I could go around. I made it to work in 37 minutes.
I knew it would have been nasty and that I probably shaved hours off of my commute time (and probably added a few years to my life), but the end results were pretty awesome: One of my coworkers that lives near me left at the usual time got into work at about 11:15, only 45 minutes before I did. This was a win, win, win, win, situation; I got to sleep in, I got to work less, I was saved the frustration of crawling traffic, and I got to brag to all my coworkers about how I beat HWY36. I have found my new favorite past time; arriving late to work. Smartest Man ALIVE
In another note, unrelated to this post, (or perhaps incredibly related) is a new app I found on Facebook. It is the
Whopper Sacrifice. If you will only sacrifice 10 of your friends to the Whopper gods, BK will give you a free Whopper. You actually have to unfriend them in order for this to work. So if you are on Facebook and suddenly wonder why I am no longer your friend, it is because I evidently value the Whopper more than you (actually I value 1/10th of a Whopper more than you).